Tuesday 19 November 2013

Got sucked into that Facebook meme

Tameka gave me the number ten - here are that many random facts about me:

1. Cooked apples are an abomination. No apple pie, apple crumble, apple brown betty, applesauce for me, thanks. More for you.
2. I collect sparkly floral brooches and single teacups.
3. I was addicted to Turbo Jam for two years, and dropped forty-five pounds. Did P90X twice after that and dropped another forty. Stopped moving after I screwed up my knee and gained most of it back. Working on that again, albeit more gently.
4. I have never played a video game in my entire life, although I own a PS3 and an Xbox.
5. In the privacy of my kitchen, I dance Gangnam style. A lot.
6. Ren and I took ballroom lessons for many months before we got married. I could probably still fake some of the jive, but the rest of them are long gone.
7. With the exception of recently seeing the All-Blacks defeat Canada, I have seen upwards of forty pro-level sporting events (primarily the Toronto Maple Leafs, but also the Blue Jays, the Argonauts and the Rock) and I have never seen the home team lose.
8. I wear a Celtic cross that I got when I was at uni in Wales. It is my signature piece of jewellery and I rarely take it off.
9. I can't skate backwards.
10. If I were ever going to be one of those people who learned a movie dance for my own wedding reception, it would be the one from A Knight's Tale, to Bowie's "Golden Years".

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